Django Booking is a Complete Django booking system.


what you get:
  • A booking page which users can book appointments.

  • A dashboard which the admin can see the appointments and make actions


Django Booking requires Django 3 or later.

Getting It

Python package:

$ pip install dj-booking

Installing it

To enable dj-booking in your project you need to add it to INSTALLED_APPS in your projects file:


And include dj-booking to your URLs:

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = (
    path("booking/", include("booking.urls")),

Using It

$ python migrate $ python runserver

then you can visit the pages:

- Booking page: http://localhost:8000/booking
- Admin page: http://localhost:8000/booking/admin


Add this vars to

BOOKING_TITLE = “Your title” BOOKING_DESC = “Your description” BOOKING_BG = “img/booking_bg.jpg”

BOOKING_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL = “Success redirect url” BOOKING_DISABLE_URL = “Redirect to this url if create booking is disable”

Getting Involved

Open Source projects can always use more help. Fixing a problem, documenting a feature, adding translation in your language. If you have some time to spare and like to help us, here are the places to do so:


You can view the documentation online at:

Or you can look at the docs/ directory in the repository.


Django Booking is free and always will be. It is developed and maintained by developers in an Open Source manner. Any support is welcome. You could help by writing documentation, pull-requests, report issues and/or translations.


Indices and tables